
I am affiliated with the following evaluation networks:


As part of my involvement with some of the networks above:


Welcome Message from Sawsan Al-Zatari (Task Force II Chair): EvalYouth Global Mentoring Program 2020

Greetings from Sawsan Al Zatari, EvalYouth MENA

Data Visualization Training

EvalYouth Global Mentoring Program (EYGMP) 2020-2021.

The Evaluland Podcast which I was a guest on, with my EYGMP 2020-2021 colleagues.

Sawsan al Zatari - #Eval4Action Global Marathon of Engagement

EvalYouth MENA is walking the talk by building evaluation capacities and competencies in MENA

Sharing lessons learnt from being involved in the governance of the regional networks & VOPEs


Volunteering and International Evaluation Initiatives talk at the Polish Evaluation Society