Evaluation Consultant
Many years ago, I fell in love with evaluation after escaping an evil boss. I dived deeper into the field and now I am an independent evaluation consultant working in Jordan.
I initially started my career as a sociologist and urban planner, with a Masters degree of Urban Planning from the American University of Beirut. I wore the Urban Planner hat for two years, working with different communities in Jordan and building sustainable cities for all. Now I evaluate conscious of “leaving no one behind”.
I love working with and talking to people. Maybe this is why I specialize in qualitative research and evaluation. I am also an advocate for supporting Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) in building their evaluation careers and was part of the team who successfully completed the 2019 MENA Evaluation Winter School for Young Evaluators with UNFPA ASRO.
I am fluent in both English and Arabic. I have lived (yes, lived) in Kuwait, Sudan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, USA and Canada, but visited many more countries and look forward to the next.